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Delivery API

The Delivery API is a GraphQL API capable of serving a list of paths, as well as a specific path that was previously published using the S3 Publisher. The API is running at


Most of the time you shouldn't interact with the Delivery API directly but rather use the @atamaco/fetcher-atama package.


Every request to the Delivery API requires a Authorization: Bearer {token} header.

You can generate a new API key in your Account Settings:

  1. Select the workspace that the key is for.
  2. Click the "Generate API Key" button.
  3. Copy/paste one value at a time to where you need it.

The key works for both the "preview" and a "production" environments.


The Delivery API works with 2 environments: A "preview" and a "production" environment.

The preview environment is useful for internal reviews of content or for testing purposes. Users composing experiences can publish to the preview environment by using "Publish Preview". The production environment is your actual "live" environment that's publicly exposed to your customers.

query getPaths

The getPaths query returns all published paths for the given workspace in the given environment.

The full query definitions looks as follows:

query getPaths(pathsInput: GetPathsInput!): [String]!

where GetPathsInput is defined like this:

input GetPathsInput {
workspaceId: String!
environment: Environment
excludedPaths: String
includedPaths: String

The table lists out all GetPathsInput parameters:

workspaceIdstring-YesThe id of the workspace you want to get published paths from.
environmentpreview or prodprodNoThe environment to get paths from
includedPathsstring-NoA list of directories to include. Any experience not in this path is not included in the response. Note: This is a comma-separated list.
excludedPathsstring-NoA list of directories to exclude. Any experience not in these paths is included in the response. Note: This is a comma-separated list.

query getData

The getData query returns experience data for the given path.

The full query definitions looks as follows:

getData(dataInput: GetDataInput!): Data!

where GetDataInput is defined like this:

input GetDataInput {
workspaceId: String!
environment: Environment!
slug: String!

The table lists out all GetDataInput parameters:

workspaceIdstring-YesThe id of the workspace you want to get published paths from.
environmentpreview or prod-YesThe environment to get paths from.
slugstring-YesThe path you want to get the experience data for.

The returned Data object describes your experience and has a more complex definition:

type {
key: String!
actionId: String!

type DataComponents {
correlationId: String!
placementId: String!
type: String!
contentProperties: JSON!
visualProperties: JSON!
componentTypeName: String!
actions: [DataComponentAction]

type DataPlacements {
code: String!
embeddableBlueprint: DataEmbeddableBlueprint
components: [DataComponents]

type DataEmbeddableBlueprint {
placements: [DataPlacements]
template: String!

type DataPlacements {
code: String!
embeddableBlueprint: DataEmbeddableBlueprint
components: [DataComponents]

type Data {
meta: JSON!
placements: [DataPlacements]
template: String!

Example response:

"meta": {
"seoTitle": "Fall Promotion 2022",
"seoDescription": "Learn more about all our upcoming trips."
"placements": [
"code": "top",
"components": [
"actions": [],
"componentTypeName": "Banner",
"contentProperties": {
"title": "The world's most organized travel backpack",
"description": " Our Nylon/Polyester-lightweight WNDR AirPak backpack merges fashion with function and pairs ultra-lightweight materials with functional and modern touches that earn it a coveted place in any traveler's suitcase.",
"image": "//",
"subtitle": "All-Season",
"buttonText": "Shop now"
"correlationId": "c1b0f2a1-642a-4815-9902-3ab83a4494a4",
"placementId": "1016ef14-343d-411d-8ee3-103b68496ada",
"type": "Banner",
"visualProperties": {
"bannerTitleColor": "black",
"bannerSubtitleColor": "black",
"bannerDescriptionColor": "black"
"embeddableBlueprint": null
"code": "top-left",
"components": [
"actions": [],
"componentTypeName": "Card",
"contentProperties": {
"title": "Boots Designed to Feel Like Sneakers",
"description": "A new take on a classic staple, with added support and comfort. Made with breathable leather and cork footbed. No sweatshop labor used!",
"image": "//",
"buttonText": "Shop now"
"correlationId": "fe405555-30a8-4c2a-a4ea-95a4d11147f7",
"placementId": "5872b05a-6e60-46a5-9b8b-7068444e9437",
"type": "Card",
"visualProperties": {
"--button-background": "black"
"embeddableBlueprint": null
"code": "top-middle",
"components": [
"actions": [],
"componentTypeName": "Card",
"contentProperties": {
"title": "The Ultimate Ski Jacket",
"description": "Stay extra warm and comfortable, with this sustainable and stretchy ski jacket that's 100% waterproof, windproof, and breathable.",
"image": "",
"buttonText": "Shop Now"
"correlationId": "190d7af1-1031-4e0a-b88c-92d54b544e69",
"placementId": "e1864c38-8ff6-4041-ae4e-8de7c43f0513",
"type": "Card",
"visualProperties": {
"buttonBackground": "black"
"embeddableBlueprint": null
"code": "top-right",
"components": [
"actions": [],
"componentTypeName": "Card",
"contentProperties": {
"title": "The last tent you'll ever need",
"description": "The world's premier tent for the conscious campers, the WNDR Tent is designed to make your adventures better! Our proprietary blend of silk and cotton canvas breathes well and repels moisture.",
"image": "//",
"buttonText": "Learn More"
"correlationId": "80fd04ce-9ac1-426c-b240-cb8a011e662b",
"placementId": "6553b1ba-18b8-41ae-9ee7-c095235f2dc0",
"type": "Card",
"visualProperties": {
"--button-background": "black"
"embeddableBlueprint": null
"code": "bottom",
"components": [],
"embeddableBlueprint": null
"template": "landing-page"

mutation action

The action mutation runs a defined action business capability.

The full mutation definition is defined like this:

action(dataInput: GetDataInput!, actionInput: ActionInput!): [JSON]

where GetDataInput is the same type as defined on query GetData and ActionInput is defined like this:

input ActionInput {
actionId: String!
input: JSON

The table lists out all ActionInput parameters:

actionIdstring-YesThe id of the action. This is the actionId of an action business capability
inputjson-YesThe data to send to the action. This is arbitrary data defined as the request schema of the action business capability

The response is an array of responses from individual providers mapped to the response schema of the action business capability.