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Hi there, we're Atama

Learn more about our team and what drives us.

Simplifying the management of complex technologies to deliver best-in-class user experiences.

Our Mission

Technology has become table-stakes for connecting with customers. We have access to a fantastic array of marketing technology. Still, as marketing stacks become increasingly powerful, they also become resource-intensive and slow. Atama focuses on providing tools to connect the dots between technology and delivering excellent customer experiences.

At Atama, we understand how effective technology and marketing groups work together. We are providing tools that not only help implement best-of-breed technology but also provide the business interfaces that unlock value. We help IT reliably deliver capabilities and marketing to intuitively orchestrate complex campaigns and provide visibility into the impact on your company.

Our Team

The founding team at Atama has decades of experience implementing marketing technology stacks for companies like Tesla, Chase, SAP, GAP, Dropbox, and Twitter. We have worked with large organizations and have seen what works. We have also seen challenges. We have worked firsthand to drive employee experiences that are key to creating engaging customer experiences. 

Our experience has given us a unique perspective on what organizations need to deliver customer experiences at scale. We are excited to share the best-practices we have learned from working with marketing and IT. With Atama Composer, we are taking the guesswork out of the move to headless/composable.


Atama for Business


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