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Composable orchestration with Nuxt.js

Make your Nuxt.js website enterprise-ready with Atama Composer. Connect to any CMS, commerce, or search engine in minutes.

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Nuxt.js & Atama: Business-friendly interfaces and the frameworks developers love

Nuxt.js & Atama provide the best of both worlds, a marketing-friendly authoring experience combined with the flexibility of composable architecture. Atama’s intuitive authoring experience allows marketers to compose and publish campaigns independently. Meanwhile, developers can provide the competitive advantage of delivering the best-of-breed capabilities that power the organization.

Why use Atama with Nuxt.js?

Live preview

Edit Nuxt.js pages with live preview (WYSIWYG)

Visual Editing

Business users can create new pages without developers or deployments


Move beyond hard-coded content and embrace the design systems that your creative department loves

Future-proof your stack

Be agile and platform-agnostic by decoupling content, commerce, and search providers from the front end

Future-proof your stack

In a standard Nuxt implementation, you either hard-code your content or use an integration with a CMS. If you’re on a non-standard or legacy CMS, you may even have to write your own integration. The same applies when you want to leverage capabilities like commerce, search, assets, etc.

What if you want to replace content or commerce providers? Sadly, you’ll need to write a new integration.

What if you want to switch out Nuxt in a few years? Unfortunately, all your custom integrations will be worthless.

Atama Composer solves this by adding a layer of abstraction between your capabilities (content, commerce, search, etc.) and your Nuxt front end. Let your business users define the business capabilities they need and the 3rd party services that provide them. Your Nuxt.js site simply integrates with the Atama SDK.

Want to add an extra commerce provider or CMS? No problem. Your front end doesn’t need to change.

Want to re-use content or capabilities across new channels like email, mobile, or signage? Perfect. That's no problem with Atama.


Include experiences created in Composer Studio in your Nuxt.js sites

Can be used for page sections or whole Nuxt.js pages

Can be used for individual Nuxt.js pages or your entire website

Easily include SEO, open graph and social meta tags

Ready to take your Nuxt.js project to the next level?

Start your free trial of Atama Composer today and get ready to future-proof your Vue.js implementation.

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