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Remix is an open source React-based framework maintained by Shopify. Our CX Framework for Remix supports fetching data and running actions for your custom storefront with Atama. This guide walks you through setting up your website so you can render experiences.


  1. Install the Atama packages with your preferred package manager
npm i @atamaco/remix @atamaco/fetcher-atama @atamaco/renderer-react
  1. Add two environment variables for the integration. Add them to your .env or .env.local file:

See here for how to generate these values.


Don't forget to add the environment variables when deploying to your hosting platform.

  1. Create an app/services/atama.server.ts file
import { FetcherAtama } from '@atamaco/fetcher-atama';
import { AtamaClient } from '@atamaco/remix';

export const fetcher = new FetcherAtama({
apiKey: process.env.ATAMA_API_KEY as string,
workspaceId: process.env.ATAMA_WORKSPACE_ID as string,

export const client = new AtamaClient(fetcher);
  1. create app/services/atama.tsx
import type { V2_HtmlMetaDescriptor } from '@remix-run/server-runtime';
import type { CXExperience } from '@atamaco/cx-core';
import { PageHeader } from '~/components/page-header';
import { Page } from '~/components/layouts/page';
import { Banner } from '~/components/banner';

export const layouts = {
page: Page,

export const components = {
'page-header': PageHeader,
banner: Banner,

export interface MetaData {
seoTitle: string;
seoDescription: string;

export interface Session {
newsletterSignup: boolean;

export function metaFn({
}: {
data: CXExperience<MetaData>;
}): V2_HtmlMetaDescriptor[] {
if (!data) {
return [];

return [
title: data.meta?.seoTitle || '',
name: 'description',
content: data.meta?.seoDescription || '',
  1. create the render component: app/components/render.tsx:
import { AtamaRenderer } from '@atamaco/renderer-react';
import { layouts, components } from '~/services/atama';

export function Render({
}: {
data: Parameters<typeof AtamaRenderer>[0]['data'];
}) {
return (
<AtamaRenderer layouts={layouts} components={components} data={data} />
  1. create the Page layout: app/components/layouts/page.tsx:
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';

import { forwardRef } from 'react';

interface PageProps {
header: ReactNode;
main: ReactNode;

export const Page = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, PageProps>(
({ header, main }, ref) => {
return (
<div className="relative" ref={ref}>
<div data-atama-placement="Header">{header}</div>
<div className="max-w-6xl mx-auto grid gap-4">
<div data-atama-placement="Main">{main}</div>

Page.displayName = 'Page';
  1. create the PageHeader and Banner components:


import type { AtamaComponentProps } from '@atamaco/renderer-react';
import type { DataFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/node';
import { Link } from '@remix-run/react';
import type { CartBusinessCapability } from '~/services/business-capabilities';
import { getSession } from '~/services/sessions';

interface PageHeaderProps {
atama?: AtamaComponentProps;

export function PageHeader({ quantity, atama }: PageHeaderProps) {
return (
className="max-w-6xl mx-auto py-8 sticky top-0 backdrop-blur-md z-20 px-8 lg:px-0 h-28"
<div className="flex">
<Link to="/" className="font-bold">
<nav className="pl-12 grow">
<Link to="/products">Products</Link>


import type { AtamaComponentProps } from '@atamaco/renderer-react';

interface BannerProps {
title: string;
subtitle: string;
description: string;
ctaLabel: string;
ctaHref: string;
imageSrc: string;
imageAlt: string;
variant?: 'light' | 'dark';
contrast?: boolean;
atama?: AtamaComponentProps;

export function Banner({
}: BannerProps) {
return (
<section {...atama} className="py-4">
<div className="relative py-24 lg:py-40">
className="object-cover absolute inset-0 w-full h-full rounded"
<div className="relative">
className="px-12 text-white"
<div className="pt-1 pb-6">
{ctaLabel && ctaHref ? (
<a href={ctaHref}>{ctaLabel}</a>
) : null}


Now that we have the basic setup done we can create an actual page that renders experiences:

Create a app/routes/$.tsx file. This is creating a splat route.

import { useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react';
import type { MetaData } from '~/services/atama.server';
import { client } from '~/services/atama.server';

import { metaFn } from '~/services/atama';
import type { LoaderArgs } from '@remix-run/node';
import { Render } from '~/components/render';

export const loader = async (args: LoaderArgs) => {
return client.loader<MetaData>(args, '/index');

export const meta = metaFn;

export default function Index() {
const data = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();

return (
<Render data={data} />